How do saved souls get to Heaven?

.               A piranha is a vicious fish.   God put schools of them here to teach us what happens to swollen souls in hell.


Question 1:  “How does a soul get into Heaven?”

Answer:  “If the person is among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’, Jesus sends angels to ‘carry’ their soul to Heaven.”


Question 2:  “Does The Bible specifically tell us that?”

Answer:  “In Luke 16:19-31, Jesus tells us what happens at death.   ‘The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side.’


Question 3:  “Could the beggar’s soul get into Heaven by itself?”

Answer:  “Jesus may have told us that Parable to let us know that no one can get into Heaven unless God sends His ‘angels’ to ‘carry’ their souls to Heaven.”


Question 4:  “What happens to souls that are not taken to Heaven by angels?”

Answer:  “Jesus tells us!  ‘The rich man also died and was buried.’   No angels came to ‘carry’ his soul to Heaven.”


Question 5:  “Where did his soul go?”

Answer:  “It is:  ‘In Hades, where he was in torment, . .


Question 6:  “What keeps a soul from being ‘carried’ into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Saved souls are light and bright.  Sin makes souls dark and swollen.   God does not allow dark souls in Heaven because ‘in Him there is no darkness at all’.”


Question 7:  “How big do sinful souls swell?”

Answer:  “Every sinful soul is swollen to be big enough to let all the souls it led into hell torment it.   In earthly terms, some souls are as big as whales.   Vicious piranhas chew endlessly on them, inside and out.”


Question 8:  “When we see rich, powerful, sinful people on earth, what should we do?”

Answer:  “We should feel sorry for them!   That kind of fame shows how swollen their soul is.   Catholics know!  ‘Many rich and famous fools are going to an eternity of agony.   Every soul they kept out of Heaven will hate and torment them forever!’

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