How does Jesus deal with Willful Protestants?

.                                       Jesus does not save those who argue with Him.  He goes to “the other shore”.


Question 1:  “Does Jesus tell us that He is ‘Truth’?”

Answer:   “Jesus tells us in John 14:6 that He is ‘Truth Plus’!   ‘I am the way and the truth and the life, says the Lord; . . ‘  He is ‘truth’ that is the only ‘way’ to ‘life’.”


Question 2:  “Is it possible to find God while willfully disobeying Any Word of Jesus?”

Answer:   “Jesus is very clear about that!  ‘no one comes to The Father except through Me.’


Question 3:   “Today, Willful Protestants will not go ‘through’ This Word of Jesus!   ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’  How does Jesus respond to people who argue with Any Word of God?”

Answer:   “We see what Jesus did in Mark 8:11-13!   ‘The Pharisees came forward and began to argue with Jesus, . . .’


Question 4:  “Let me interrupt you!  Would anyone in their right mind argue with Jesus?”

Answer:    “That’s what Willful Protestants do!   That Passage tells us how they look for excuses to not take God seriously, even after seeing and hearing about His Miracles!   Instead, they are always ‘. .  , seeking from Him a sign from heaven to test Him.’


Question 5:  “How did Jesus reply? ”

Answer:  “‘He sighed from the depth of His spirit and said, “Why does this generation seek a sign?’


Question 6:  “Did Jesus give us ‘a sign’ to let us identify those in every ‘generation’ of Willful Protestants?”

Answer:  “Jesus gave us the ‘sign’ of ‘no sign’  ‘Amen, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.’   No Willful Protestant ever gets a ‘sign’ more meaningful than Jesus  telling them that their vanity keeps them from getting any ‘sign’ from God!”


Question 7:  “What does that ‘sign’ of ‘no-sign’ mean?”

Answer:  “Jesus told them that God is not going to waste His time giving a ‘sign’ to Willful Protestants.”


Question 8:  “What did Jesus do, then?”

Answer:  “He made it clear!   He was not even going to waste His time talking to Willful Protestants!    ‘Then He left them, got into the boat again, and went off to the other shore.’   In every ‘generation’, He abandons Willful Protestants.   He goes to the ‘shore’ inhabited by those who put God before their self-serving vanities.”

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