Catholics ask: How long a time is “soon”?

Catholics consider the word “soon”! Revelation contains That Word! “This is the revelation given by God to Jesus Christ so that He could tell His servants about the things which are now to take place very soon; . . .”

The end of the world is coming “soon”. Catholics ask: How long a time is “soon”?


Catholics get a hint from Jesus. He gave us one Teaching on “soon” in Luke 21:5. The unspoken word “soon” is in His Prophecy about the fate of Jerusalem: (soon) “not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down”.

He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies spoke those Words before He was crucified. All scholars believe His Crucifixion took place between 30 and 36 AD. “soon” meant the period between 27 AD, the earliest date at which He could have spoken those words, and 36 AD, the last year He could have spoken those Words.

That Prophesied destruction took place in the year 70 AD. “soon” meant a period of time between 43 and 54 years.


We know that the earth is still here, in 2020! We know that the “end” will come “soon” after “The thousand year reign” of The Catholic Church over Christendom.

Rev. 19:11 tells of “The First Battle of The End”! The “beast” and “false prophet” were thrown into the “lake of burning sulphur”. Satan was locked “in the abyss for a thousand years”!

In the year 587, King Recared became Catholic. In 589, he converted Spanish Visigoths to Catholicism from the Arian Heresy. Over the next hundred years, Ostrogoths, Lombards, Suevi, Saxons, Scots, and other ruling Tribes and Peoples had also became Catholic. The “Thousand Year Reign” of The Catholic Saints had begun! (Rev 20:4)

Over the next thousand years, The Catholic Church spread Her Teachings over “the four corners of the earth”.

(Rev 20: 7) “When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will come out to deceive all the nations in the four corners of the earth.”

Protestants were prophesied! They “deceive” by leading donors to disobey This Teaching of Jesus Christ! “And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


The world did not end 43 or 54 years after Luther! Why? There are still obedient Catholics “in the four corners of the earth”!

Catholics ask: How long a time is “soon”? We’ll look again, tomorrow. Will that be that soon enough?

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Every day, reasons to be Catholic!
