How many groups of Hebrews are there?

Abraham had at least three sets of grandchildren. The 12 sons of Isaac formed 12 Tribes. The 12 sons of Ishmael became 12 Tribes. Keturah, named as both Abraham’s “wife” and “concubine”, gave Abraham six more sons. There appear to have been more.

Genesis 25:6 tells us “But while he was still living, he gave gifts to the sons of his concubines” (“concubines” is plural!) “and sent them away from his son Isaac to the land of the east.”


It has been suggested that “The People of the Sea” who later invaded Egypt and Palestine were among Abraham’s descendants. History tells us that they “lived in the Isles”. That may refer to Greece and nearby areas in the Mediterranean and Aegean. They appear to have had Mycenean pottery in a Greek style.

It seems reasonable that Abraham’s remarkable intellectual and spiritual abilities were passed on. It is likely that Abraham’s other sons fathered tribes that became the dominant peoples of India, Europe, Asia, and Africa. They replaced or evicted other populations.

Billions of us may be descended from Abraham.


The name “Iberia” appears on maps. There was a nation of Iberia in the Caucasus Mountains. Spain is on the “Iberian Peninsula”. A variation appears in “Hibernia”, an old name for Ireland.

Do the names “Iberia”, “Hibernia”, “Ebro” come from the name “Eber”? Eber was the third son of Shem.

“Eber” may the “root word” of the word “Hebrew”.


History and geography lead many to ask: Are billions of us Hebrews? In 721 BC, Israel was conquered. The Ten Northern Tribes were deported toward The Caucasus Mountains.

It seems reasonable that they maintained some Tribal Identity. They spread through Europe. The Tribe of Gad may have have settled in Northern England. Ancient maps show a territory of the “Gadenes”. South of them, the Tribe of Semonii (Tribe of Simon?) dwelt in pre-Roman times. Across the English Channel, Denmark may have been named for the Tribe of Dan.

Did members of another Hebrew Tribe become the Saka before they became Saxons? Do those names and peoples come from “Isaac’s sons”?


How many groups of Hebrews are there? In the past 2,700 years did some of them get as far as Japan and The Philippines?

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