How Smart is God?

Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that we try to imagine how much more intelligent and powerful God is than we are, and comes up with: “God is this powerful: He has programmed us free-will beings within His Creation Program in such a way that we can freely choose to believe, or not believe, that He created us and all that’s around us. The reason for writing and downloading The Creation Program was to provide free will for us human beings to choose or reject Him.”

This approach appeals to we who are superbly vain because we think we’re worth going to all that trouble for. “I am so wonderfully important that I can see why God would have made and put me here as a test to see whether or not I was fit for Heaven.” The trick is to recognize that He is in charge, and must be revered and obeyed.

Others, who aren’t vain enough to realize how much God loves them, actually recoil from the idea that God is so supremely powerful. It’s simply too much for them to understand that He loves them so much He programmed them into being to provide them an opportunity to Pass the Test. Even contemplating the notion that God is that much superior is enough to make many recoil from it.

While wondering about all this, we may consider two of many possibilities: first, He knows how difficult it is for beings as conceited as we are to humbly recognize our limitations when compared to Him. Then, we may want to contemplate the most serious possibility of all, that He does not want arrogant, disobedient people to share Heaven and eternity with Him.

It does not hurt to remind ourselves of that possibility as frequently as possible, and humbly ask for the great privilege of growing closer to Him.
