How to tell Upper and Lower-level Protestants apart.

Many people wonder: How to Upper and Lower-level Protestants apart.


Lower-level Protestants hear the same things, over and over and over.

1. “Catholics worship idols! Catholics worship idols! Catholics worship idols!”

2. “Peter never went to Rome! Peter never went to Rome! Peter never went to Rome!”

3. “We are born again! We are born again! We are born again!”

4. “I believe so I am saved! I believe so I am saved! I believe so I am saved!”


What do Lower-level Protestants do next?

They repeat the same things!


Lower-Level Protestants can memorize those “teachings” in an hour or two. They find great satisfaction by repeating their simple thoughts!

“Catholics worship Idols! Peter never went to Rome! We are born again! I believe so I am saved!”


Upper-Level Profiteers of Protestantism know their donors are smarter than the Lower-level Protestants. Upper-level Protestants need reasons to believe that Jesus was wrong when He Spoke The Only Church He Founded Into Being with His Holy Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


The Upper-level Protestants use “Rock Babble”. That allows them to replace “Peter”, Jesus’ specifically named “this rock”, with whatever they want!

1. “Peter’s not ‘this Rock’. Jesus is ‘this Rock’!”

2. “Peter’s not ‘this Rock’! Peter’s Confession is ‘this Rock’!”

3. “Peter’s not ‘this Rock’! Our belief is ‘this Rock’!”

Upper-level Protestant hear dozens of things to think of as “this Rock”!


Religion is harder for the Upper-level Protestants. First, they have to memorize The Church-Founding Word of Jesus that they must avoid!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Then, they have to memorize some of the replacements for “this rock” invented by the Upper-level Profiteers of Protestantism.


Understanding Protestantism begins with: How to tell Upper and Lower-level Protestants apart.

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