If You Understood the Preceding Paragraph, and Understand The Next, You’ll be Ahead of Most Other People in the World:

When costs drop dramatically, money purchases more. So, Catholic Fundamentalism replaces entire schools of economic thought with one, simple principle: “When the costs of goods and services are reduced, the money supply can be increased proportionately without damaging a state or its people.”

The preceding paragraph is one of Catholic Fundamentalism’s most important discoveries. You know, if you’re a long-time reader, it’s taken years to get here!

The next time you hear someone complaining, no matter how sincerely, about how the world is going to hell in a hand basket, familiarize yourself with the drop in costs that we’ve seen in every area of our lives and explain that, “As long as we don’t print money more quickly than we reduce costs, there is no problem.”

When you make that response, you will often find yourself faced with the quiet, pleasurable sensation of speechlessness.

We have discovered a short, simple economic truth, “When the costs of goods and services are reduced, the money supply can be increased proportionately without damaging the state.” It’s important to almost simultaneously realize that the other side, The Culture of Death, already knows and uses that fact to its own advantage.

Rather than use this truth to make things simpler and better for all, they pig up the savings for themselves. Their bureaucracies, salaries, benefits, and pensions swell while those of us in the private sector grow ever poorer. This truth does demonstrates that they are more interested in having us poor and dead than in being fruitful and prosperous. So, they’d rather talk about something else to keep us confused and poor, states of being from which The Culture of Death profits. They continue to hide from as many of us as possible that “When the costs of goods and services are reduced, the money supply can be increased proportionately without damaging the state.”

As long as smart, creative people have the freedom to reduce costs, fewer people need to work and more people will be prosperous. If those who can invent more efficient ways of doing things are free to do so, everyone becomes richer. If the more fearful, who are automatically less intelligent than they would otherwise be, can limit the improvements smarter people can make, all of us are harmed.
