Imaginary Problems destroy souls.

Last week, the United States Senate went on record. By 99 to 1, they decided “Climate Change is real.”

In turn, Global Freezing, Global Warming, and Climate Change have been incredibly popular with governments and their agencies. Why?

The fact is that the world is remarkably stable in temperature. In the last 18 years, satellite temperature measurements of the entire globe have not shown Global Warming. Satellite photographs show both ice caps are growing.

So, why is Global Warming continually said to be a threat?

The answer is simple. As the world progresses toward greater prosperity and more peace, governments and their agencies need to feel useful. The production and distribution systems for food, clothing, housing, medicine, and other necessities are so wonderfully efficient that most government agencies have little need for existence. There’s really not much for most of them to do.

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They avoid thinking about that by jetting off to important meetings and conferences. Some extort huge bribes from windmill makers and solar farm developers, personally profiting by enforcing solutions to Imaginary Problems.

We can’t stop them from lying and exaggerating. But, we should pray for them. Those who make a living by participating in Complex Frauds will, without changing and repenting, spend eternity in the lower Circles.

The poor, lost souls don’t want to know that. Even less do they want to realize that the ignorance they prefer only magnifies the complexity of their individual fraud and sinks them farther from God forever.


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