A very important prayer request

A very important prayer request is asking God to keep His wrath and retribution, deserved as it is, from falling upon us. We know from The Programmer’s Logs that He has the ability to punish with death, disease, destruction, and enslavement, all of which He visited frequently on His chosen people when they strayed.

Today, we see His wrath falling upon entire nations in the form of leftist tyrannies that grind families, faith, and freedom into dust. As the peoples of Europe leave God, He turns away from them. He is replaced, in both individuals and nations who abandon Him, by the less than tender mercies of tyrants, first Communists, now Moslems , who did, and do, everything possible to destroy their lives and souls. Cuba, England, mainland Europe, South Africa, Cuba, and Venezuela are among the once Catholic countries on which God’s wrath has fallen.

As we turn from Him, and as He turns His face from us, we see the scourge falling here, in the United States, bringing ever-larger numbers under the yoke. There’s no question that we deserve it. We have ignored His Church’s teaching on birth control, abortion, and euthanasia to such a degree that we no longer deserve His blessings.

We may only pray for His mercy.

When we see how He has let so many of us destroy ourselves, some wonder, “Why doesn’t He just wipe out all the bad people? ”

He did that, at Sodom and Gomorrah. As we look around, we see that evil is still with us. Evil is, after all, choosing some sort of self-destruction that often spreads outside the self. Some prefer a delayed destruction over quick suicide, but, nonetheless, it is their preference, and living a little longer may give some a chance to ask for, and receive, forgiveness. As long as we have free will, some will choose evil, despite any number of destroyed Sodoms.

Others ask, “Why doesn’t He just straighten out, say, the worst people in the world? Even a dozen, or a hundred, or a thousand, or a million, or a billion of them? Why doesn’t He send powerful angels into their minds and simply re-program them, as He did with Saul of Tarsus, so that they love Him and their neighbors? Then, we wouldn’t have people leading us astray and we’d all be better.”

We do know that He re-programmed Saul, a vicious persecutor of early Christians, transforming him into St. Paul. Why not now?

Each of us has the ability to ask Him to provide the re-programming necessary for evil people to renounce the wrong that they do. Have we?
