Important questions have three possible answers.

.                     May all of us be blessed to get God’s “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” for our soul at His Judgment.


Question 1:  “What is the most important question we face?”

Answer:  “Is there a God Who will judge my soul?”


Question 2:  “What is the answer?”

Answer:  “There are three answers. ‘Yes.’  ‘No.’  and ‘Maybe’.  Those who realize:  ‘I am surrounded by ‘things’.  No ‘thing’ can come from nothing.’  understand that simple fact.  They answer ‘Yes.  There is a God Who will Judge my soul.’


Question 3:  “Did every Religion provide Teachings for its followers?”

Answer:  “Yes.  For tens of thousands of years, every religion has been led by teachings from its founder.”


Question 4:  “Did any religion write down Teachings from God?”

Answer:  “Yes.  Some Hebrew Tribes wrote down Teachings from God.”


Question:  “Were those Teachings Truthful?”

Answer:  “People who realize The Prophets Told The Truth about things that happened thousands of years later all answer ‘Yes.’


Question 6:  “Did Teachings from God’s Prophets come true centuries after they were Written?”

Answer:  “Yes.  It was Prophesied that The Son of God would be born of the House of David in The Tribe of Judah at the tiny village of Bethlehem.  That happened.”


Question 7:  “Did God give us rules we should follow in our lives?”

Answer:  “Yes.  He told us to ‘Love God and your neighbors as yourself’.”


Question 8:  “Do people who follow God’s Rules do that?”

Answer:  “Yes.  Those who follow God’s Rules obey This Catholic Teaching:  ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’


Question 9:  “If we willfully and knowingly choose to obey God’s Teachings, can our immortal soul get into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Yes.  He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies was very clear about that!  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 10:   “Can any souls of willfully disobedient people get into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Maybe!  Some minds are too confused by false teachings and drugs to think clearly.  Overwhelming confusion keeps many from thinking rationally about their souls and God’s Judgment.”


Question 11:  “Is there salvation in confusion?”

Answer:  “If we think clearly enough to believe:  ‘I can get into Heaven if I remain confused.’ the answer is ‘No.’


Question 12:  “Is there One Teaching we should obey if we want our souls in Heaven?”

Answer: “Yes.  He Who Fulfilled The Prophets gave us this these ‘keys’‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

