Inches and Feet, Millimeters and Centimeters, and The Discreet Directorate

In the last couple of years, it appears that a discreet directive has gone out to use the Metric System instead of what we all grew up using. We are used to inches, feet, yards, acres, and Fahrenheit temperatures. Instead of what we can easily visualize and deal with, we are now bombarded with once apprehensible information in new, unfamiliar, confusing forms. Most of us cannot help but be less conversant with much of what’s going on around us.

Conspiracy theorists ask “Where did this silent directive originate?” Like so many false alarms and imaginary problems, it came from the Discreet Directorate. It’s not important who’s running the Discreet Directorate. It’s been around since Babylon. Part of our life on earth is the growing realization that there actually is some hidden power that determines, for instance, when it’s time for people to be forced to start thinking in terms of kilograms rather than pounds and ounces, hectares rather than acres, and Celsius rather than Fahrenheit.

When governments have a greater need to confuse and obfuscate, they make confusing changes, keeping people distracted from what they’re doing by changing the familiar basics of our lives. England offers a perfect example. When their government forced a confusing change from pounds and ounces, shillings, and pence to metric systems, they used the confusion to sneak in changes to immigration, education, and finance that allowed them to more easily ravage their people. While the “news” was getting people to focus on the outrage of shopkeepers being arrested for weighing bananas in pounds rather than kilos, the Discreet Directorate was effecting changes in far more important arenas.

It’s an axiom of life that the Discreet Directorate churns out changes when it wants to implement an increase in its power. The bigger the change they want to implement, the greater the confusions in traditional thought patterns must be introduced to more thoroughly confuse and distract people.

The growing replacement of traditional measurements with “better systems” signals clearly that there are some big power transfers in the offing that the Discreet Directorate wants to facilitate. As the “news” about the world becomes harder to relate to, we’re seeing this latest billow in a larger smoke-screen accompanied by an expanded drive to control medicine, manufacturing, insurance, energy, and finance. It’s not a coincidence, and never has been.

Back in the mid-fifties, an American soldier was released from a North Korean prison camp in which he’d spent several unpleasant years. When he returned home, he thought he would “catch up” on the years he’d missed. He went to to the library and spent a few months reading the previous four years of Time, Look, Life, The National Geographic, and other magazines and newspapers. When he had finished “catching up” with what had gone on during his painfully sequestered years, he said, “You know, it was amazing. There were more articles, drawings, and photographs describing and illustrating how Korean homes were heated with Roman-like hypocausts, under-floor vents hooked up to outside fire pits, than about any of the far more serious issues affecting both foreign and domestic policies.”

The Discreet Directorate, always beavering away
