Inconsistency, the hobgoblin of little minds.

Hate exists all around us. Those who follow the many websites devoted to explaining the major religion of the middle east understand that the essence of their religion is hate. Many believers are so full of hate they think those who differ from them must be killed.

Other groups of haters are found in far-left governments. In eight decades, almost a billion people have been killed by Communists.

Haters also congregate in movements that allow them to control the activities of their neighbors. Environmental movements excel at inventing reasons to say “No!” to all human activities.

When we have a chance to talk to haters, we find that they are generally not very bright. As we shall see, most haters have second-rate minds that are unable to appreciate their own lack of consistency in issues like those mentioned in yesterday’s column.

It is always amusing to focus disagreements with leftists on their own inconsistencies. When that has been done, the word “consistency” should be used to describe their lack of it. You will find that, almost always, the leftist will automatically reply, “Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”

They simply do not know what the quote means. They are actually saying that their own minds are as frightened of consistency as children are of hobgoblins, and are, therefore, “little”. Few of them are bright enough to notice.
