Intelligent Prioritizing

Getting our immortal soul into Heaven (“Programming HQ”, to Catholic Fundamentalists) is the most important thing we can do. When we recognize that priority, our individual, human program has begun approaching The Loving Programmer of all there is.

The other side does what it can to make it difficult to believe there’s either a God or that we have an immortal soul. Catholic Fundamentalism suggests that we begin our run through the gauntlet of viruses with an analogy: Our own computers and networks are often corrupted by viruses that are snuck into our computers by those who want to corrupt and destroy them. In the same way, the Mayor of Virusville and his viruses (in Catholic Fundamentalism, satan and his demonic spirits) work as hard as any human hacker to corrupt and destroy as many human programs as possible.

Some humans choose to reflect the activities of the vicious viruses by trying to corrupt their neighbors. They do so by downloading viruses into human operating systems. Once we understand that their corruption is intentional, and not accidental or unplanned, we have reached the level that virus-preferring humans describe as “paranoid”.

When they call us such names for thinking, speaking, and acting in accord with The Loving Programmer’s Operating Instructions, then we’re operating properly.

Is there any way to find any objective truth in all that which has been downloaded in The Creation Program within which our individual programs have been downloaded?

The Loving Programmer made it difficult, if not impossible, for us human programs to find truth within The Creation Program. When the “Official Meter”, the global standard of measurement, was measured in Paris recently, it had changed in length. Sea level is almost impossible to find within truly close tolerances, especially in different locations. It’s hard to know what temperature things are: most thermometers are straight tubes, and when they change in temperature, they change in diameter, but the markings on the tube remain with the same distances between increments. They are not perfectly exact.

So, where is truth? Truth is predicted in the First Programming Log (Old Testament). Prophets made predictions that turned into Truth hundreds or thousands of years after they were made. Those predictions became the most important, if not the only, Truth we can know. We can see many predicted truths about the coming of Jesus Christ.

He came to earth, as scheduled. His arrival and life were described centuries before, in specific details that included His being born in the House of David, of a virgin, in Bethlehem, riding into Jerusalem on a donkey, being sold for thirty pieces of silver, having no bones broken but with bones exposed (by the scourging at the pillar). He concluded His earthly appearance, also as predicted, by being sacrificed as the lamb of God, lifted up before men, dying, and rising on the third day.

The Truth of the prophets’ predictions were undermined by accusations that their writings were created or altered after Christ lived, died, and ascended. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were uncovered, the prophecies were validated. Amazingly, many of the Jewish people, whose ancestors faithfully recorded the words of the prophets refused, and still refuse, to apply those predictions to He Who came in accordance with them.

If we can recognize (or, ask to be called to recognize) that there is such a truth, we see that there is an alternative reality centered around The King and The Kingdom. There is a whole, different Program in which we may operate. It is The Kingdom of God. Obedient believers are admitted into it. The proud and the vain have a much harder time.

Catholic Fundamentalism’s Approach to Entering the Kingdom of God:

First, we recognize that the prophets’ specific predictions could only have come from Someone Who knew the future and Who downloaded within their minds specific things that would happen long after the prophets had passed on. When we recognize that source of information as The Loving Programmer, we find ourselves in a position to realize: “We are made in the image of God. We, for instance, have the ability to do the basic programming that produces movies that look real. He, with His Power, does His programming, in three, or more, dimensions. He can program energies and particles. He can program and download sub-programmers (angels) into being. He can use them to help Him compile energies and particles into the systems and beings that make up The Creation Program. He went to all that work because He loves us, and wants us to believe and obey Him so that we will be joyful with Him in Heaven forever.”

Catholic Fundamentalism understands that the viruses of hackers are, right now, trying to get into and corrupt our computers’ programs and operating systems. Similarly, spiritual corrupters are trying to destroy every human program. Those viruses, like the earthly hackers who try to destroy ordinary computers and systems, do everything they can to corrupt our lives and souls of every human program.
