Intentional Distractions

If a headline were to read “Millions Killed by Taliban Butchers!”, we would be surprised only at the large number. We never read, “Millions Killed by Abortionist Butchers”.

Instead, we are given headlines like “Island Nation of Tuvalu Threatened by Rising Sea Levels!” Sea levels are not rising. So, the headline is both a lie and a distraction.

If the death of a million babies is not newsworthy, what is?

Every headline we read is designed to distract us from bigger problems that none of the lost souls want to solve. “Schools Need to be Replaced” shows up in the newspapers rather than “Literacy Rates at All-Time Lows!” Why? Because school building take money from taxpayers and gives it to those who feed off the system. The need to increase the transfer of money to favored groups comprises the essence of most “news”.

When we see that the news is more designed to distract than enlighten, we have made progress. Over time, we see that we, ourselves, should rewrite the headlines and focus of all media subjects. Then, we are closer to truth.

The truth is, we should not be angry at those who lie and distract to make money. That’s the way it is, outside of The Kingdom.
