Internet, temporary triumph of truth.

As I look out the window, snow and ice cover every surface. Pipes are freezing. Water mains are breaking. People have no electricity.

Most interesting of all, two conferences on Global Warming were just cancelled.

Why do people get involved in such obvious lies? For one thing, when the “Global Warming” lies were developed, the internet wasn’t nearly as well established.

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But, the internet has allowed those who can see the connections between Imaginary Problems and profit to tell others. For the first time in history, a huge, mammoth lie has been slowed down by lack of credibility.

This triumph of truth will have consequences. The other side is battling mightily to come up with ways to make politically incorrect information unavailable. In the meantime, we should enjoy the outpouring of truth that makes its way through so many websites to so many previously deluded people. It is an historical first.


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