
Recent troubles in Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and the rest of the Middle East have accelerated the sending of thousands more refugees. Hordes are streaming North, across the Mediterranean Sea, to the formerly Christian nations of Europe. Our administration, in the name of “humanity”, will see that many are brought over here, because such “fairness” is more important to the left than protecting the prosperity of our own citizens.

Migrants invade Europe because the harsh, repressive regimes of the Middle East have no way to provide jobs. By bribing public officials, doors are open to endless immigration, especially to England, from which God has surely turned His face.

There are fewer jobs than ever. Factory and office work in the once-Christian countries have, and are being, automated and exported. So, there are no jobs in Europe. And, not many in North America.

While the “sending nations” get rid of their unemployment by forced immigration, the “receiving nations” are forced to mortgage their assets and pay welfare to the immigrants. Europe is already deeply in debt, and has to borrow more to fund the immigrants.

Such “welfare” payments have become a new form of Dane-geld that, as Kipling told us, “never gets rid of the Dane.”

One, and perhaps the only, ray of light? If Europe becomes repentant, and prays for delivery, God may send another Alfred.
