
The first primary vote put the best conservative, Fred Thompson, in a tie for third place. It’s been interesting to see how ignored he has been by the media. Even Fox News, pretending to be conservative to the end, has turned a blind eye to Mr. Thompson.

Most of the press has been focused on Huckabee, Giuliani, McCain, and Romney. Mr. Huckabee has been made to seem more conservative than he is because he’s a proven taxer and regulator.

Mr. Giuliani has connections with big-city corruption that dwarf all positive aspects. We will continually be waiting for another shoe to drop. McCain is a reliable “big-government conservative”, and will not promote good policies in many areas. Romney says whatever he thinks needs to be said at the time.

Senator Thompson is the only viable and consistent candidate who will reduce taxes and spending, both anathema to the establishment that’s working to “disappear” him.

Ron Paul has, like Howard Dean before him, managed to unite the young and the restless in a hopeless quest for whatever he’s seeking. Unfortunately, he is virtually unelectable. He is given some publicity to help draw support away from Senator Thompson.

Combining his constituency with Senator Thompson’s would produce the possibility of a new leadership that would be of benefit to the Culture of Life. We can only pray that vanity does not get in the way of improvement.
