Is this an AMAZING NEW REASON to BE Catholic? #32.

The Last Words of Peter to his executioners:  “Since you have ‘stretched out my hands’, you must now put ‘a belt’ around me.”  Peter let himself die in fulfillment of The Last Prophecy of Jesus about The First Catholic Pope!”


Question 1:  “What is this Amazing New Reason to Be Catholic?”

Answer:  “Only Catholics realize that The Book of John ends with The Last Prophecy of Jesus.  In John 21:18, Jesus gives us His prophecy about the death of Peter, The First Catholic Pope:

‘I tell you most solemnly, (that tells us how important This Prophecy is!) when you were young you put on your own belt and walked where you liked; but when you grow old you will stretch out your hands and someone else will put a belt around you and take you where you do not want to go.


Question 2:  “That is a Very Unusual Prophecy! Did it come true?”

Answer:  “2,000 years of Catholic Tradition tells us Peter asked to be crucified upside down because ‘I am not worthy of being crucified as Jesus was.’  The executioners realized: ‘This will be the most fun we’ve ever had in a Crucifixion!’

One of the executioners saw the obvious problem: ‘The weight of Peter’s body will pull the nails through his hands and feet. He will fall off the cross and not suffer as long. We could end up being crucified, ourselves!’


Question 3:  “What did The First Pope do?”

Answer:  “Peter realized The Last Prophecy of Jesus from John 21:18 about ‘putting a belt around him’ must be fulfilled!  He told the executioners:  ‘Put a belt around me to hold my body onto the cross. Then, the center of my body will suffer as well.’

The executioners put a very tight ‘belt’ around Peter to secure him to The Cross. He spent more time suffering in agony while being ‘crucified upside down’.”


Only Catholics realize that The First Pope asked the executioners to crucify him upside down because Jesus foretold that pagan powers would fulfill The Last Prophecy of Jesus about The First Catholic Pope and ‘stretch out his hands and put a belt around him’.

Catholics thank God for letting us see that Miraculous Detail in The Power of Jesus to Speak The Catholic Church Into Being with His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope more clearly than many Victims of Protestantism can understand:

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


May we all be blessed to read and share this Amazing New Reason to Be Catholic.  There is more in this short, free e-book:

