Is sex the source of schisms?

A few years ago “A new thought about the underlying cause of Protestantism.” appeared on these pages.

At first, it seemed incredible, even impossible, to believe that the entire Protestant establishment came into being simply to justify Martin Luther’s and Henry the Eighth’s illicit desires. Is sex the source of schisms? “We have many Christian beliefs, but feel that orgasms are more important than celibacy.”

Providing practically no restrictions on sex is so basic to their doctrines that hardly any of the 43,000 schisms condemn artificial birth control chemicals and devices, even those that work by destroying the tiniest of babies. “Why should I be financially hurt, or inconvenienced in any way, by an unfortunate accident? What life, even my own child’s, is more important than my orgasms?”

The Pastor Bobs are aware of what major contributors ask at the slightest hint of emphasizing the importance of chastity. “I left The Catholic Church because I couldn’t have orgasms with whom I pleased. Do I have to leave this one, too?”,

The startling immensity of the question: “Is the entire Protestant establishment a pseudo-theological manifestation of the lust to justify having sex in relationships that The Church Jesus Founded deems inappropriate? Is that what ‘feet of clay’ means?” The questions are comparable to jets crashing into a huge skyscraper.

We are all familiar with the “reasons” schismatics invent to avoid and demean The Roman Catholic Church. Some rant, for instance, about “The Catholic Inquisition!”. They uniformly lack the enough love for truth to compare 3,500 people put to death over the Inquisition’s 350 years with the daily slaughter of 3,000 unborn babies, killed because Pro-Life people are too divided into 43,000 competing schisms to protect them.

The same schismatics similarly twist historical truths, as about The Crusades. They prefer historical ignorance to understanding they were a long over-due response to centuries of continual raids by Moslem slavers, looters, and invaders.

Those are two typical schismatics’ justifications for being anti-Catholic. The historical errors in the dozen or so distortions are further evidence that schisms came into being to justify the orgasm-centered lie: “Kind and caring people in loving relationships, even of short duration, are not guilty of fornication.”

People in the pews are actually sounder and and more moral than the “leadership” of such schismatic denominations on the issue.

What does The Bible they believe in teach? The Bible clearly states that “fornicators cannot get into Heaven”. Acts, 15:29 is a typical example. “That you abstain from things sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication; from which things keeping yourselves, you shall do well. Fare ye well.”

The Bible ends with a similar promise: Rev 22:15 “These others must stay outside (of Heaven): dogs, fortune-tellers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaoers, and everyone of false speech and false life.”

The Only Church Jesus Founded teaches us what we need to know to get into Heaven. Hopefully, we will use our free will to make the right choice.
