Ishmael vs. Isaac. Again. Always.

The great contest has always been between the sons of Ishmaelite and Isaac. Ishmaelite, it will be recalled was exiled from Abraham’s household by Sarah, who wanted the estate of the richest man in the area to be passed on to her son, Isaac, completely bypassing his older son, Ishmaelite The bitterness and resentfulness that this caused prompted Ishmaelite to “set himself against his brothers”, which includes all the other descendants of Abraham.

The Ishmaelites, from whom most Middle-Easterners are descended, have never been able to capitalize from intellectual endeavors. As a result, they have long survived on money sent from the sons of Isaac in Europe and America to buy raw materials. From the Middle Ages, when raw materials, as for glass, were sent to Europe from the Middle East, generating an annual ton of gold leaving Europe for Mid-Eastern countries, to today, when considerably more is sent there for petroleum products, the West continues to support the Sons of Ishmael with an unfavorable balance of payments.

Now, they have successfully invaded Europe, taking over the judicial and educational systems in England, which Vladimir Putin now describes as “An Islamic Police State”. At the same time, they are making great strides in other nations. The West seems paralyzed, unable to respond, much less counter-attack. The invasion may be likened to another “Scourge of God”. He is using people who are violently pro-life to teach the West that they cannot ignore His Commandments without serious repercussions.

This “Scourge of God” is falling upon the sinful. We, who have not done as much as we could to stop the evil from flourishing within our own lands, are seeing the “Scourge of God” descend upon us. Curiously, the left, always those in favor of sin, seem to be helping them, ignoring that they are the first targets the sons of Ishmael will destroy.

We should be praying frequently that we be spared His scourging, asking for His mercy, rather than for His justice, which is coming down like a flood.
