. Happy Catholics strive to obey Every Word of Jesus. We know: “Jesus is God. I am not.”
Question 1: “Why is it impossible to be happy if we refuse to obey God?”
Answer: “We cannot be happy while we disobey He in Whose Image we are made.”
Question 2: “Did Jesus specifically tell us to be Catholic?”
Answer: “This Word of Jesus is as clear as it needs to be! ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’”
Question 3: “Does Jesus tell everyone to be Catholic in That Decree?”
Answer: “Jesus is speaking directly to people who do three things:
1. People who realize they have immortal souls.
2. People who see that He is The Prophesied Messiah Who has those ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.
3. People who want His ‘keys’ so their souls can enter ‘The Kingdom of Heaven’.”
Question 4: “Do His ‘keys’ include the Seven Catholic Sacraments?”
Answer: “Yes. Willful Protestants have two of the seven ‘keys’: Baptism and Marriage.”
Question 5: “Why do Willful Protestants refuse to receive The Body and Blood of Jesus in Catholic Communion?”
Answer: “They do not not want understand The Power that came to earth in The Second Person of The Holy Trinity!:
Question 6: “What keeps Willful Protestants from understanding that Jesus had The Power to Speak The Catholic Church into Being and give Her priests The Power to Preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation?”
Answer: “Willful Protestants do not understand a simple fact!”
Question 7: “What ‘simple fact’ do Willful Protestants not understand?”
Answer: “No Willful Protestant wants to understand that The Son has The Father’s Power to speak things into being with His Holy Word.”
Question 8: “Does refusing to understand The Power of The Holy Trinity keep Willful Protestants from being happy?”
Answer: “Yes.”
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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
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