It is sad to compare Ireland to The Philippines.

Islands are at both ends of Asia. The Island of Ireland is on the West. The Islands of The Philippines are on the East. Fifty years ago, both were Catholic! The Philippines have held fast to The Faith.

The Philippines are still wonderfully Catholic! The people of The Philippines have been blessed! They have stood firmly for The Faith.

Ireland has fallen away from The Church.

Many people hate life, freedom, and families. They sent Protestant missionaries to confuse Catholics in Ireland and The Philippines. The Filipino people ignore them. They stand firm! How God loves them!

It is sad to compare Ireland to The Philippines.


What went wrong in Ireland? For fifteen hundred years, Ireland was completely Catholic! English Protestants used to kill Irish people just for being Catholic! Centuries of vicious persecution could not weaken the Catholic Faith in Ireland.

What did the devil do to Ireland?


Technology brings changes. Those who fought with stone weapons are destroyed by those with bronze. They are destroyed by those with Iron weapons. The ancient bards of Ireland memorized hours of legends. They were replaced by written words. Written words were replaced by radio, television, and the internet. Those who controlled them controlled the thoughts of the Irish people!

Who ruled the new communications? Those with government licenses. Catholic Words and Thoughts were replaced by those who hate life, freedom, and families. People were convinced to think favorably of those who hated life, freedom, and families in Ireland.

Jobs went only to those who publicly renounced Catholic Teaching. It took about fifty years to erase Catholic thoughts from many Irish minds. Ireland no longer protects her unborn babies.


May Catholics in The Islands to the East of Asia learn The Lesson of Ireland! “The devil wants to destroy us! We cannot let him do to our minds and children what he did to Ireland!”

Catholics and Catholic priests of The Philippines still stand firmly for The Faith. They provide The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ! May the Filipino people always be blessed to receive That Holy Food!

May every Nation on earth follow The Holy Example of the wonderful Filipino people!

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Every day: simple reasons to be Catholic!
