It’s fun to see how simple History is!

Catholics know! It’s fun to see how simple History is!

Catholics know there are two groups; Catholics and Protestants. Everyone who chooses to not be Catholic lives in “protest” against This Word of Jesus:

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


For 500 years, nearly all wars in England and North America have been:

1. Protestants against Catholics.

2. Protestants against Protestants.

3. Protestants against Unarmed Peoples.


American History began when England’s Protestants declared war against The Catholic Church. Protestantism provided “theological” excuses for the greediest men in England to steal 20 million acres of Catholic land. Those assets were used for Catholic Churches, schools, universities, hospitals, monasteries, convents, Bibles, and accommodations for the poor.

England’s Protestants won that Protestants against Catholics War.

“New Protestants” who emerged. The First Protestants attacked them! That was a Protestants Against Protestants War.


New Protestants came to America to escape Persecution by Old Protestants.

Soon, Old and New Protestants joined forces against their common, Catholic enemy.

In the 1750s, “The French and Indian War” was fought. Old Protestants (OPs) joined with America’s New Protestants. They became allies in a war against Catholic France. That was a Protestants against Catholics War.

Protestants won that Protestants against Catholics War!

Then, English Old Protestants and America’s New Protestants declared the War of Protestants against Unarmed Peoples! They seized entire States from Indians!


Then, The American Revolution! America’s New Protestants went to war against England’s Old Protestants. They fought a very long Protestants against Protestants War.
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America’s Protestants wanted to seize two billion more acres of Indian lands! Some important New Protestants in America were surveyors! They knew there were trillions (in today’s dollars) to be made!

America’s New Protestants did not want to share those incredible riches with the Old Protestants in England! America’s New Protestants won that War with Protestants against Protestants.


The War of 1812 was another Protestants against Protestants War. England’s Old Protestants tried again to get the vast lands that New Protestants had “stolen” from them!

From the 1770s until the 1880s, the war of Protestants against unarmed Peoples was won. Countless millions of Indians were exterminated.

~The Big Protestants against Protestants War!~

In the 1860s, Southern Protestants wanted to be free to own slaves. (That’s Protestantism!)

They started a Protestant against Protestant War against Northern Protestants. This was The Big Protestant Split! Protestants who believed in freedom defeated Protestants who believed in slavery.

Northern Protestants were actually “more Catholic” than the Southern Protestants!


In the 1890s, The Spanish-American War was fought. American Protestants fought Spanish Catholics. That successful Protestants Against Catholics War brought Catholic nations from The Philippines to Panama to Cuba under greater control of America’s New Protestants.

New Protestants soon owned the only safe waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. That made them even more powerful.

For a while, Protestants thought they ruled the world!


Now, Protestant wars are less visible.

Abortion, pills, and implants are new weapons in the war waged by Protestants against Unarmed Peoples.

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