“It’s the Electricity, Stupid!”

This headline appeared on watt’supwiththat.com describing the mess that’s become the economy of California. Electrical shortages and high costs are driving businesses away from the state. Making his own state’s economic situation much worse, Governor Brown has signed legislation that insanely requires that 30% of California’s power come from “renewables”.

California is not alone in committing economic suicide. The same legislation could be enacted in most of Europe, Canada, Australia, the United States, and every other country that made its people prosperous in the decades preceding this.

The government of England hates its people so much that leaders tell them: “You do not have the right to expect electricity to be available all the time.” Few argue. Shoulders are shrugged and “Whaddya gonna do?” is asked. Their nation’s further weakening is inevitable and accelerating with each “new” government.

There is no law that says governments have to protect their people, and if there were, no one could enforce it. So few governments pay more than the most perfunctory lip service to the real needs of their people. They know that as people are increasingly cut off from electrical power, they lose political and economic power as well.

“Be quiet, slaves. Be glad we’ve left you alive.” is what we’re actually being told as we’re destroyed. We are silently grateful for small favors.
