It’s time for Catholic cyber schools.

Lots of American parents are Catholic.  Most feel they can’t afford the tuition at Catholic Schools.

The reason they can’t?  Like their public school counterparts,  Catholic schools are locked into spending on bricks, mortar, HVAC, buses, cafeterias, certification, and time clocks.

It’s time for Catholic cyber schools.   There is no longer a need for expensive buildings to erect, staff, and subsidize.   No need for as many buses, cafeterias, and associated costs.

Best of all, with cyber schools, there’s no expense involved in hiring people who are expensively certified in outmoded beliefs, failed techniques, and outdated technologies.

If computers and communication systems can wire trillions of dollars through the air, bits of necessary academic  information can be transferred.  Cyber schools can be nearly as free as the air through which clouds float.   Few teachers.  Low costs.  For a few hundred dollars, families and parishes could provide superior educations to more children.

Why aren’t there more Catholic cyber schools?  Sometimes, bishops and staffs like things the way they are.  They don’t want to give up their expensive empires.

We expect public school bureaucrats to put their empires ahead of the children.

We should expect Catholic school bureaucrats to do better.  We need to see proof they believe that it’s more important to provide more children with better educations and a better chances of getting to Heaven than it is to prolong a system so expensive that it hurts the millions of Catholic children whose parents can’t afford Catholic school tuition.

It’s time for Catholic cyber schools.  They will educate and save  far more children.  The transition must begin.  Making excuses not to do so puts one in a category akin to keeping antibiotics away from the sick.

After Catholic cyber schools?  Catholic cyber colleges.
