“Jacob I have loved. Esau, I have hated.”

Scripture clearly tells us that God loves and hates. “Jacob I have loved. Esau, I have hated.”

Abel and Cain reappear as Jacob and Esau. Both Testaments, (Malachi 1;3 and Romans, 9;13) agree that God loved Jacob and hated Esau.

So it continues to be. God loves those who love and obey Him, and hates those who do not. We can get an indication of how we stand with Him by looking at where we stand on issues like abortion and euthanasia.

We also may wish to examine how our denomination stands on abortion. A more difficult question should be explored: “Does my denomination recognize that some birth control devices and chemicals work by killing the tiniest of babies? Does it have the courage to say so publicly?”

God has divided mankind into those He loves and those He hates. Does He love or hate the denomination we support? If we are part of the Culture of Death, we are on the side of Cain and Esau. We may then consider more deeply:

“Jacob have I loved. Esau, I have hated.”
