Jesus, and Catholics, are Pro-Life.

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Jesus, and Catholics, are Pro-Life.  He called those who would become the first Bishops in His Church together.  He told them how much God loves children in Mark 9:37:

Taking a child, He placed it in their midst, and putting His arms around it, He said to them, ‘Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but The One Who sent Me.’

Catholics connect His words,  “Whoever receives one child such as this in My Name, receives Me;  and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but The One Who sent Me.” to The Church’s teachings on artificial birth control and abortion.

Catholics realize that Jesus was clear.  Those who welcome children into their lives thereby receive God in their lives.

Non-Catholic denominations are afraid to think deeply about His words.   His clear words also mean that  “Whoever does NOT receive one child such as this in My Name does NOT receive Me or The One Who sent Me.”
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Non-Catholic denominations are not as firmly pro-life.  Sadly, many married Protestant clergypersons use abortion-inducing birth control chemicals and devices.  Protestant teachings that are weak on abortion and artificial birth control endanger the souls of those who support such attacks on the tiniest of babies.

If we receive a child in His Name, we receive God.  If we refuse to receive a child in His Name, we do not receive God.  We have preferred death to life.

Jesus is Pro-Life.  God is Pro-Life.  The Catholic Church is Pro-Life.

Those who are not Pro-Life are breaking The Commandment “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” 

Whether by unconcern or active assault on the most innocent, those who are not Pro-Life are on the side of death.  Denominations that provide excuses for visiting death upon the children of their own congregations are leading their supporters down the broad path to destruction.



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