Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar. Same initials. Different Parents. #59.

God’s Light lets Catholics see more clearly.


Question 1:  “Are Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ alike in other ways besides having the same initials, JC?”

Answer:  “The Mother of Jesus Christ is The Blessed Virgin Mary.  Julius Caesar and his family claimed to be descended from the ancient goddess, Venus.”


Question 2:  “Who did ancient people think Venus was?”

Answer:  “In Babylon, the bright ‘morning and evening star’ was named after the goddess Ishtar.  The Greeks called her ‘Aphrodite’ and the Romans called her ‘Venus’.  The ‘bright woman’ was revered for several thousand years.”


Question 3:  “Was Mary, The Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ, ‘the Brightest of women’ because She was conceived without Original Sin?”

Answer:  “That is one reason many women (and men) do not want to think seriously about that difference between Mary and Ishtar/Aphrodite/Venus, the mother of Julius Caesar.  Vanity leads many to believe; ‘No woman could be that much brighter than me!’


Question 4:  “What do Catholic women and men understand about Mary?”

Answer:  “Mary is So Bright that Her Light makes me brighter than I could otherwise be.”


Question 5:  “Was Caesar’s wife bright enough to warn her husband about being murdered by powerful Roman Senators:  ‘Do not go to The Forum today because something bad will happen to you.’?”

Answer:  “That is Roman Tradition.”


Question 6:  “What did Mary do when She saw that Her Son was being Crucified?”

Answer:  “She went to Calvary and saw The Prophecy from Zechariah 12:10 come true as she watched the first bloodthirsty mob of Willful Protestants threatened by Her Son’s Teachings ‘look upon He Whom they pierced.’


Question 7:  “What happened after Jesus rose from the dead as predicted in Psalms 16:10 and 22, Isaiah 53:10–11, and Daniel 12:2–3?”

Answer:  “Jesus spent 40 days with His First Pope and Catholic Bishops.  They put His plan in place by which God’s Church-Creating Word to The First Pope would echo in Catholic parishes and Dioceses around the world.   The first Catholic Bishops carried The Catholic Faith from Jerusalem to Antioch, the third largest city in The Roman Empire.  St. Peter moved Church Headquarters to Rome, where the power to crucify Jesus had been given to Pontius Pilate.”


Question 8:  “Did God’s Church-Creating Word of Mary’s Son to The First Catholic Pope take visible form in what would be known as ‘The Vatican’?”

Answer:  “‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’ took visible form in Every Catholic parish and Diocese on Earth as more people came to respect The Truth miraculously passed on by Successors to Peter.”


Catholics understand that  Julius Caesar, and every worldly leader in History, has died.  The Son of Mary lives and gives us The Holy Food in Catholic Communion that Jesus gave His Life to leave on earth after saying 14 times:  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Catholics meaningfully believe in The Living God Who Is That Power.  We pray that all may be forever among those He described in John 15:14:  “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

