Jesus promised His Church is Infallible

All Protestantism thinks Jesus was wrong when Jesus promised His Church is Infallible.

How was it that Jesus promised His Church is Infallible?  Where has Jesus promised that His Church is infallible?  When has Jesus promised that His Church is Infallible?

His Promise about The Only Church He Founded is clear:  “. . and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”   That means there would be no error in the Doctrines of The Only Church He Founded.  To make that even clearer to us, The Promise of Jesus is included in His Church-Founding Decree!

“. . I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. . .”

Who would dare to believe that He was wrong when Jesus promised His Church is Infallible?

Self-serving men think that Jesus was wrong!  Many men are too too proud to get real jobs, and are not holy enough to take Vows of Poverty and Obedience.  They like to be important and tell people what to think.  And, they want to make money. 

The men who provide praise and promises of Heaven for money share one belief.  They all think “I know more than Jesus!”  They think that Jesus was either wrong, or unable to speak clearly, or intentionally lying when He said so clearly:


We certainly understand their motives!
