Jesus’ Separation Command

Our mind, body, and possessions will soon be gone. All we will have is our soul. It is headed for Judgment.

After Judgment, our soul will either have eternal joy in Heaven or everlasting pain, below.

How do we ensure that our soul ends up in Heaven? We believe and obey the instructions provided by He Who fulfilled the Prophecies. Abraham, Moses, David, and the Prophets were given God’s Words. They are the steps that lead to Jesus.

Jesus told us very directly how to be saved. “If you obey My commands, you are My friends.” were His clear instructions in John 15: 14. Jesus divides humanity into two groups. He is telling us plainly that each knowledgeable person is either among His Friends or not. Those who knowingly choose not to be His friends must be assumed to be enemies.

In John 6: 53, He gives the oddest command in history. For 2,000 years, He has separated His obedient sheep from vain self-worshipers with what Catholic Fundamentalism calls “Jesus’ Separation Command”: “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

At The Last Supper, He empowered The Only Church He Founded. Through their long, living link with His chosen Apostles, Catholic priests are still ordained with the miraculous ability to turn bread and wine into His Blood and Body.

Those who knowingly refuse to do what is necessary to eat His Body and drink His Blood are disregarding Jesus’ Separation Command. They chose not to do what is necessary to “eat My Body and drink My Blood” and they have therefore chosen to not “have life in you.” They have committed “soul-suicide” by willfully disobeying Jesus’ Separation Command.

It is not wise, and, in the longest view, it is not even sane, to consider Who Jesus is, contemplate the vast power at His command, and reject His friendship.

We should pray to be blessed with the humility to obey Jesus’ Separation Command. Our immortal soul, and where it spends eternity, depends on that.
