Jobs for the joyless.

It costs money to have bitter, unhappy people always complaining about things. They have to eat, buy Volvos, and build “green” houses. There are expensive meetings and conventions for complainers all over the world, every single day. They all have to show that they are involved, that they care, and, at the same time, be very careful that a new cash flow, or an influx of truth, isn’t developed that may reduce their own funding.

Complaining is hard work. Since there is so much about which to complain, specialization is necessary. Complainers have specific areas of human life in which they specialize. Specialization allows them to extract as much money as possible from every type of human activity. We have seen insane regulations in every area of life. Examining one widespread human activity, housing, gives an indication of the specialties with which many complainers familiarize themselves.

First of all, housing requires incoming water. So, there are any number of “clean water specialists” involved. Inexpensive wells, springs, and cisterns are discouraged. Expensive, tax-supported public water systems are under the control of highly paid specialists. They are highly paid to “keep things clean”, even as they put chlorine and fluoride into the water and force people to drink it.

Water also comes out of every building, and that offers excuses for regulations. Inexpensive septic tanks that have been working for the past century are made so difficult to build that much rural housing has stopped, for “health reasons” that never mention the virtual disapperance of both typhus and cholera. Public sewers, costing far more, are encouraged. They are run by specialists, and the funding created supports many who do little but publicly complain about the cleanliness of the water.

Now, the housing industry is in collapse, largely because those two groups of water “specialists” have largely stopped the “evil developers” from “hurting the earth”.

No hint of sanity regarding wells and septic tanks is allowed to emerge into the media. The truth about such things would be “an unfair attack on so many people who care”, and the only news we see on the subject is composed of press releases demanding even more “clean-up”.

Every human activity has a group of complainers buzzing around it. Through the endless buzz, only two intelligible words can be discerned: “Gimme more!”
