Judas “left Mass early”.

The first Protestants of The Christian Era appeared in John 6:66. Jesus had just fed 5,000 men and another ten thousand or so women and children with a few loaves and fishes.

Those who saw the Miracle followed Jesus. They realized, “Jesus can multiply loaves and fishes! He can turn my few shekels into millions of shekels!”

Jesus didn’t do that. He began to repeat His bizarre call to what would soon be Catholic Communion. “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

He said that twelve times in the last half of John, 6. He said it once for each Tribe.

The first Protestants of The Christian Era heard Jesus say that. They all said: “This is hard!”. They walked away from Jesus. They still do.


Judas was the first named Protestant of our Age. He refused to receive The Body and Blood of Jesus at The Last Supper. Judas “left Mass early”.

Judas betrayed Jesus to the Jerusalem Establishment. They paid him 30 pieces of silver.


Judas “left Mass early”. He did not receive The Body and Blood of Jesus. Protestants still refuse to do what is necessary to obey “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

Protestant clergy encourage their donors to avoid The Body and Blood of Jesus. They talk a lot about “loaves and fishes”, but never about Catholic Communion. Like Judas, they avoid That Holy Food. Many provide “look alike” ceremonies. They provide mere “reminders” of what Catholic priests are empowered to provide.

Jesus ordained His First Catholic Bishops with the Power to Preside over The Miracle of Transubstantiation. Catholic priests are ordained in living link with them. They are empowered to provide Living Truth in His Body and Blood. They obey Jesus’ command: “Do this in memory of Me.”


Jesus became Perfect Obedience. Judas became willful disobedience.

Is the disobedience of Judas passed on? Are those who lead their others to, like Judas, “leave Mass early” clones of Judas?

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A short book, “All The World is a Stage” may be downloaded at no cost from catholicfundamentalism.com
