Judas provided a popular reason to disobey Jesus.

Judas provided a popular reason to disobey Jesus. “We can’t believe in Jesus! Jesus did not keep His Own Disciple, Judas, from betraying Him.”

Early Catholics had perspective. They knew that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies had to be “lifted up before men”. His bones had to be exposed to be “countable”. But, none of His bones could be “broken”. He had to be “lifted up before men.” People had to be able to “look upon He Whom they pierced.”

The betrayal of Judas made it possible for Jesus to fulfill The Prophecies. Catholics know that Judas proved: “all things work together for good”.


In every age, Judases betray Jesus. In recent times, a handful of modern Judases crept into the Catholic priesthood. Every Judas brings betrayal and scandal. In an average year, there a few hundred allegations of child abuse involving modern Judases.

Every day, tens of thousands of unborn children are killed by abortion, pills, and implants. Those deaths are ignored. There is no outcry from any of Babylon’s supporters. Every day, the killing continues.

The Catholic Church expels the modern Judases from The Church. Babylon encourages more abortion. Where is the greatest evil?


Catholics have a sense of perspective. “Killing billions of unborn children is the greatest sin in History. We must try to protect the lives of unborn children. Those who truly prefer life to death must support The Only Church Jesus Founded.”

Catholics know why The Catholic Church is hated. The Only Church Jesus Founded provides clear, written Doctrine. ‘Life must be protected from conception until natural death.’

There are financial motives to attack The Catholic Church. Catholic Institutions provide superior educational and medical services at lower cost. Many do not want that competition. Billions of dollars are at stake.

Judas provided a popular reason to disobey Jesus. So do modern Judases.

Catholics put Judases in perspective.

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