Judgment, Justice, and Pain.

Our souls will go to Judgment. There will be mercy for those God loves. There will be justice for others. Some will be sentenced to pain.

Pain is the coin of one realm beyond. The corrupting virus loves to inflict pain on the souls of those who, like him, renounced their Creator. The souls sentenced to his awful prison suffer forever.

We may wish to consider pain and how it may work in hell. Imagine a billionaire Babylonian. He has given, say twenty million dollars to one of Babylon’s groups of abortionists. If each abortion costs five hundred dollars, his donation has paid for 40,000 unborn babies to be painfully killed in their mothers’ wombs.

There is no way he can get to Heaven, and he knows that. But, how can his one soul be punished adequately for materially and intentionally aiding in the deaths of 40,000 innocent babies?

One possibility:

The Judge may decide, “You are guilty of the deaths of 40,000 unborn children. To be justly punished, your soul will be magnified forty thousand times so that justice may be done.”

Or, an offending soul may be cloned immediately into 40,000 connected units, each tortured individually and made aware collectively of the suffering.

No matter how it will be administered, justice will come to those too disobedient to receive His mercy. Justice, judgment, and pain. Their chosen end.

So, justice for great sin will provide adequate punishment for even such a crime as willfully participating in the intentional destruction of unborn lives.

But, what of recompense for the innocent? How are they made whole? Will they have the possibility of human joy, brought into being on some distant place with their lives to live? Is that why The Loving Programmer downloaded the whirling, countless galaxies beyond?

Or, as is more likely, the souls of aborted children may spend eternity with such joy and closeness to God that they no longer care.
