What keeps many from The Catholic Church?

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Many people say “I believe in Jesus and The Bible!”  Then, they ignore Jesus, The Bible, and The Church that provided it.  What keeps keeps many from The Catholic Church?

Many are desperately lonely and insecure.  They are needy for praise.  They are susceptible to those who pay attention to them.

“You are very smart and good.  People do not appreciate you.  I know that Jesus sees the goodness in you.  I can tell that He loves you very much!   I do, too.  If you support my ministry, I will be able to keep telling you how smart and good you are.  And, I will keep telling you that Jesus truly loves you.”

Deceivers understand how desperate many are for approval.  “If you praise people, they will like you.  If you praise them enough, they will give you money!  If you promise them Heaven, they will give you more!”

There is no opportunity for such people to get rich in The Church Jesus Founded.  Catholic priests are not allowed to get into business ventures.  Many of them take Vows of Poverty.  Their salaries are determined by their Diocese.  Dioceses never have money left after paying to fund Catholic Schools, Social Services, and all their organizations in need.
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Each Catholic priest is busy doing the parish work that two or three or four priests used to be available to do.  They simply don’t have time for the continual glad-handing and fund-raising with which many anti-Catholics occupy their time.

Millions need attention more than they want to understand that Jesus only founded One Church and that we have life to separate sheep from goats.

“Pastor Bob appreciates me!  He appreciates what I do!  It is an honor to support His ministry.  I love hearing Pastor Bob tell us how very, very much he cares about us.  Yesterday, he told me how nice my hair looked!  I just love Pastor Bob!”




Every Word of The Son is a Word of The Father brought into our mind by The Holy Spirit. ~ Question 1:  “What Word of Jesus do all Willful Protestants misinterpret?” Answer:   “All Willful Protestants misinterpret This Word from one of the earliest Catholics and make it the limit of their Faith!   Mark 16:15-20 begins:  […]

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We are blessed to share a post from That Great Catholic priest in jail, Fr. Gordon MacRae. He has spent over 30 years in a New Hampshire jail for telling the truth. In this post, he does so, again: https://beyondthesestonewalls.com/posts/the-trial-of-cardinal-becciu-the-betrayal-of-cardinal-pell?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=659e5f0ea4c54731edea6807&ss_email_id=659e86dd47e6d54f9844617c&ss_campaign_name=The+Trial+of+Cardinal+Becciu%2C+the+Betrayal+of+Cardinal+Pell&ss_campaign_sent_date=2024-01-10T12%3A00%3A52Z