How do we know He’s turned His Face away from us?

When we look at the dying remains of what was Christian Europe, we can see that He has allowed the ancient enemies of Christianity to occupy great stretches of land. He has allowed them to subvert the European countries with bribes and threats, becoming ever stronger as the once Christian peoples disappear.

When they feel they can attack with impunity, they will destroy the remaining Christians, and replace the governments and laws with their own. Women will be treated little better than animals, slavery will be common, rich men will own all the women, and repression will be the order of the day.

God allows this to happen. When we read the First Programming Record (Old Testament), we see that God sent “lying spirits” to lead the evil kings astray. Now, He uses bribes. He has allowed a government to set itself whose leaders need neither Church, kings, nor votes, but is moved by bribery. (The last President of France, after ten years of office, had over $60,000,000.00 deposited in Japanese banks.)

Europe has gone from Monarchy to Democracy to Bureaucracy. The European peoples, severed from The Church, have no power that protects them. Their leaders are bribed with money stolen from them, even as the oppressors’ boots stomp ever more heavily upon them.

As the First Programming Record attests, we can be saved from corrupt, evil governments by returning to God. Catholic Fundamentalism is one road to follow, helping us all to see the Power of The Programmer.
