Lack of love causes lack of belief.

Many do not believe in Christ and His Church.   This thought is at the heart of such unbelief:   “It just doesn’t make any sense.  I can’t believe that God could love us enough to have His Son die for us.”

Those who have not been loved have the hardest time believing.  Children and adults who’ve been hurt by divorce and desertion have difficulties in trusting other people.  It’s hard for them to even imagine a God Who loves them.

Those who have had “love burned out of them” tend to focus on entities and dehumanized people within The Creation Program.   If they think of love, or of The Loving Programmer, it is in demeaning terms.

It is possible to spend one’s life in fear, without understanding that The Creation Program would not exist without God’s love.  Only those with the courage to love can access that, the most important part, of The Creation Program.

He Who instructed us to “Love God with all your mind and heart and love your neighbor as yourself.” wants all to love and to be loved .  He knows that lack of love causes lack of belief.

Still, it is necessary to first believe.  Then, understanding follows.  Love is the beginning of belief.


