Lapsed Catholics may make the most intelligent choice on earth

Intelligence is measured by our ability to do what is best for us with the least amount of effort.  Lapsed Catholics may make the most intelligent choice on earth!

Lapsed Catholics are blessed with opportunity!  They may gain the greatest reward for the least amount of work!

If a total stranger came up to us and said, “This is for you!” and dropped a diamond as big as thumb in front of us, we would make the effort to pick it up and say “Thank you!”

Every lapsed Catholic has a similar opportunity for a great reward!  All a lapsed Catholic has to do is make a “Good Confession”.  They may then receive Absolution from a Catholic priest ordained in living link with those whom Jesus ordained with this miraculous power:  “Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”

Then, they may obey The Decree that Jesus repeated fourteen times!  “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”

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What are the least intelligent choices on earth?  Decisions that keep our immortal souls from eternal joy in Heaven are the most hurtful decisions it is possible make.

What would we think of a person who, having The Stranger drop the thumb-sized diamond in front of him, would say, “No, I don’t want to be bothered bending over, even for something worth millions.”?

Amazingly, many lapsed Catholics refuse to take advantage of the Great Gift of Confession and Absolution.  How could anyone rationally deny forgiveness from the only people on earth Jesus empowered with the miraculous power:

“Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.”?

Who would rationally deny receiving The Only Direct Absolution Jesus promised?  Who would rationally deny themselves the opportunity to “have life in you” that only Jesus provides?


May we all be blessed to “obey” Every Word of Jesus! ~ Question 1: “God came to earth in The Person of Jesus Christ. Did Jesus specifically tell us whose souls may get into Heaven?” Answer: “Jesus is clear in Lk 11:27-28! ‘While Jesus was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said […]

May all be blessed to be “simple” enough to have the “wisdom” to make important “connections”! ~ Question 1:  “How can anyone make ‘The God-Moses-Jesus-Catholic Connection’?” Answer:  “Anyone may start with Today’s Reading.  Lv 19:12 and 11-18 show that God ‘connects’ with Moses:  ‘Speak to the whole assembly of the children of Israel and tell […]

“unholy vanity” leads many to the “theological insanity” of rejecting “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven” that Jesus Christ died to leave on earth. ~ Question 1: “How does ‘Holy Vanity’ work?” Answer: “‘Holy Vanity’ searches for goodness. Goodness takes form in God. Catholics let ‘Holy Vanity’ lead us to obey This Word Spoken […]