Lapsed Catholics prefer vanity to obedience.

America’s ten million lapsed Catholics have a handful of reasons for having left The Church.  They boil down to one:  Lapsed Catholics prefer vanity to obedience.

Lapsed Catholics rehearse their reasons for leaving The Church.  Some say, “The Church kept me from being ‘fulfilled’.” It’s too bad that many find “fulfillment” in relationships that keep them from receiving the Sacraments.  Possible reconciliation through Annulment is usually rejected.  “What!  An annulment costs a thousand dollars!  That’s blackmail!  Highway robbery!  I’m outta here!”

It does little good to explain that an Annulment is a complicated legal procedure that requires legal assistance from trained professionals knowledgeable in Canon and Civil Law.  Unavoidable expenses in secretarial and recording work are not free.  Instead of rational analysis, “I’m not paying blackmail to The Church!” becomes part of the Lapser Litany.  Destroying demons chortle in glee.

Some use a handful of scandals to justify lapsing.   “The Church waited so long to do something about the pedophilia scandal that I just had to leave.  I can’t even stand to look at a priest.  If anyone had molested a boy in my family, I would kill them.”  The self-righteousness is well-fueled, well-rehearsed, grows in irrationality, and becomes increasingly consuming.   Destroying demons love it!

There’s no point in explaining that The Church had fewer abusers than other institutions.  Those who choose to lapse don’t want to realize that priests did not become child molesters, but that molesters lied their way into The Church to gain access to children.

An adage of  Catholic Fundamentalism is:  “The Garden is self-weeding.”  Those who elevate self-will above obedience to The Church remove themselves from Her.  And, those within The Church who choose to disobey mark themselves for sure and certain punishment.

The Creation Program separates sheep from goats with elegant simplicity.  When we get even dim glimpses of the ruthless efficiency with which it works, one conclusion should be reached:  We should be very fearful of being infected with any self-righteous vanity that might lead us away from the only door to Heaven.
