Lapsed Irish Catholics

“Verily, verily I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Lapsed Irish Catholics must do more than deny The Decree!  They must also vanquish the vanity that has led them to deny their own ancestors!

Irish Catholics saved all Europe from apostasy.  Irish priests brought Catholicism back to France and Germany in the centuries after Rome fell.

Lapsed Irish Catholics know they have become a living mockery of their faithful ancestors!   They stood firmly against every evil on earth.

Sadly, many Irish men and women later left The Only Church Jesus Founded.  Their ancestors had remained faithful despite awful, bloody persecution.  Lapsed Irish Catholics in recent times could not withstand the harder tests of freedom and prosperity!

Lapsed Irish Catholics have abandoned so much and have fallen so far!  Sparkling Irish souls have become dark diamonds of glittering, obstinate stubbornness.

“Please, Son of Mary, listen to the Shining Cloud of Irish souls in Heaven !  They are, at this very moment, praying for me!  Please, Holy Jesus, send your angels into my mind!  Let my soul be freed from all that keeps me from the obedience to be among That Shining Cloud of Irish souls in Heaven!
Dear God, please, let me be forever among:   ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.”’
