As we learn the basics, it’s important to share them.

As readers know, Catholic Fundamentalists work to make God more relevant by using words from our own, Electronic Age, to describe Him. The old, Iron Age words simply don’t work any more.

This is a deceptively simple change.

As soon as a modern person, familiar with how speedily computers work, even begins to think of God as The Unprogrammed Programmer with the ability to program particles, compile them into systems and beings with amazing speed, and have them move through time, a door through which a soul may move to Heaven is opened that, for many, might otherwise remain closed.

For many, we have but to point to a computer animation of startling realness, and say, “God can do that in three dimensions. He has fish programs swimming through water programs that are caught by human programs with hooks and nets that humans have the ability to re-program from His basic programs.”
