At least, some of them try to look useful.

A century and a half ago, nine out of every ten Americans worked in agriculture. Others worked in mining and manufacturing, which at the time, was so small-scale it was called “smithing”. A person could learn to be a blacksmith, silversmith, goldsmith, or tinsmith and support himself and his family.

There weren’t a lot of idlers. Each time a job was amalgamated or automated, people were put out of work. Each factory eliminated thousands of jobs.

Henry Ford put lots of smaller automakers out of business, along with all the wagon-makers. At the same time, tractors and combines put small farmers out of work. People moved to cities, and worked in factories.

As factories got bigger and more efficient, fewer people made more things. More people found jobs that didn’t exist a few years before.

According to levitra viagra a 2014 study by the Journal of Urology suggests that Ginseng can be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Men are also trying to fight this disorder non-invasively, thus, they prefer to buy Tadalis SX for a longer period. cheap viagra Natural aphrodisiacs in this herbal supplement play a vital role in the bodies cheap generic levitra of both sexes. Not every man needs a prescription generic viagra wholesale level solution to address erectile dysfunction. Some of the new jobs were in government. Some government positions do nothing useful. Now, there are more government jobs than ever. Some are worse than useless. They are designed to be intentionally harmful. That provides excuses to hire even more to pretend to solve the problems created by earlier groups.

This country, like Rome, grows top-heavy. It will either collapse or we will have a “National Leader”, like Augustus or Tiberius. This is dangerous. For every Tiberius, there is a Nero.

Catholic Fundamentalists think we should have a King, like we do in Heaven. The best way to select our King is to find the person with the most Davidic genetic material. Shouldn’t be hard.

A King who relies on the power of The Church to stay in office has, at least, one reason to be kind, forgiving, and loving.


Today, Jesus Ascended Into Heaven. Those blessed to Think Clearly see that He left One Church on Earth with “the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.” ~ Question 1: “Did Christ’s Disciples, The First Catholic Bishops, remain Faithful to Him after He Ascended Into Heaven?” Answer: “Only Judas gave into worldly temptations.” ~ Question 2: […]

Catholics see more of Time and Space than anyone! ~ Question:  “The oldest human artifacts are primitive stone tools from a few hundred thousand years ago.  The earliest cities are 12,000 years old.  Have the ‘four beasts’ in Daniel:15-27 been attacking ‘kingdoms of people’ all that time?” Answer:  “The Word of God was made clear […]

Catholics avoid ‘snakes in the grass’ that keep neighbors from joy on earth and in Heaven. ~ Question 1: “What makes people think of The Tribe of Dan as a ‘snake in the grass’?’” Answer: “That is how Dan’s father, Jacob, described him in Genesis 49:17! ‘Let Dan be a snake in the way, a […]