Leftists Love Lies. And, hate.

Leftists Love Lies. And, hate. Older Americans remember Alger Hiss, a Communist who worked for the State Department. Despite overwhelming evidence, the American left refused to admit that Hiss was an active Communist. They still protest his innocence, even though at least one leftist wrote a entire book about him, reluctantly concluding after years of research that Hiss was lying. Truth did not matter. Hiss refused to admit that his lies were lies, and American leftists still look on him as a persecuted martyr.

Today, we see that their beloved, and phenomenally complicated, Global Warming Lies are similarly unraveling. Any given leftist will either accept the truth about their lies and renounce them, or, more likely, will enter Stage II of any lie: telling more lies about the original lies so that they may go on believing them.

The problem? They don’t believe in God, much less that He loves them.

Their refusal to believe allows them to avoid the Operating Instructions that tell us not to bear false witness and to love our neighbor as ourselves. They have a particularly hard time with telling the truth and loving their neighbors. Their disobedience, of course, keeps them very, very far away from the Sacrament of Confession, in which they could be forgiven for their embrace of the lies and move toward saving their souls.

We may conclude that lies are a, if not the, most important part of their beings. Believing and telling lies separates them from those who seek and tell the truth. Our response is two-fold. First, we must seek and tell the truth. Secondly, we must understand what drives them to lies, and may reasonably conclude that they come from the venomous hatred that dominates their minds.

There is a common denominator among those who prefer lies and hate to truth and love. We see that every leftist lie is ultimately centered on taking life, freedom, and money from their neighbors.

The world’s structures are based on varying degrees of lies and hate. Hatred of neighbors fuels the drive toward collectivism and endless micro-managing of others. Lies justify their hate. Once justified, hate grows and drives more lies. The souls that embrace lies and hate become shriveled, shrunken, and stained by what their vanity does to them. At Judgment, those who chose to love hatred and lies will be separated from those who chose God, truth, and love.

It’s our job to tell them about that, and to pray that they be enlightened. Some of them may be helped.
