Letters to the Editor.

In most small municipalities, about half the letters to the local newspaper’s editor come from a handful of people who are always angry and never quite as bright as they believe themselves to be. They may be described as Bitter Incompetent Pseudo-Intellectuals, or BIPIs. (rhymes with “hippies”)

Letters from left-leaning BIPIs often try show that lies are truth. They insist, for instance, that an abortion is “a right” instead of a deadly form of child abuse. Lies increase as they are more threatened by truth.

Temperatures, for instance, have hit the lowest ever recorded in areas from England to Oklahoma. Mexico has just lost 20% of its corn crop to frost. A graph of sunspots cycles over the past few centuries, when transposed over a graph of temperatures, shows almost perfect alignment, indicating that earth’s temperature changes are related to ups and downs in solar activity. The Bitter Incompetent Pseudo-Intellectuals prefer tax-justifying theories to actual, observable solar cycles that are the cause of planetary temperature changes from Venus to Earth to Neptune.

The Lie Community needs letters to be written pretending that the wholly imaginary Global Warming scenario is real. BIPIs are glad to oblige. They have no better way to announce they’re as much better and smarter than the rest of us that they’d like to be.

The colder it gets, the worse the Bitter Incompetent Pseudo-Intellectuals say that Global Warming is. In a few years, solar activity will pick up, and they’ll say the same thing. Few of them notice the enormity of their self-contradictions nor how snickered at each of them is when they sign their names to such blatant falsehoods.

Lately, the BIPIs have been bleating uncontrollably about the natural gas in Marcellus Shale. Five years ago, the typical Bitter Incompetent Pseudo-Intellectual was saying “Natural gas is the perfect fuel!” Now that there’s lots of it, they’ve made their typical one-eighty: “Drilling for natural gas is a grave danger to, well, anything anyone can think of.” Most of them are mad because they aren’t getting any money from it, a fact they universally describe as “unfairness”. Those who are getting money from it go through the hypocrisy of admitting, when forced, “Yes, I’m getting the leasing money, and I’ll get a percentage of whatever natural gas output there is, but I’m not letting them drill any wells on my land.”

BIPIs also know what form of government people need. Today, Egypt is in the process of exchanging one gang of tyrants for another. BIPIs are very glad about that. They were glad when Zimbabwe drove out its white government and replaced it with the the bloodthirsty crook, Robert Mugabe. His “Trillion Dollar Bills” give an accurate, estimation of how smart those who support such governments actually are, unable to tell the difference between bread-basket and basket-case.

When the small time crook, Batista, was replaced by the nation-looting Castro brothers, the BIPIs rejoiced. Today, they are happy because Chaves is turning Venezuela into an impoverished tyranny.
