Licenses, Inspections, and Certificates: The New Way of Life.

Leftists love licenses and the endlessly intricate processes by which they are granted. The ability to license is especially prized because licensing ensures more ongoing income from the periodic inspections of licensees. Every leftist knows that licensing and inspecting offer wonderful opportunities, not only for salaries and pensions, but also, for graft and payoff. All on the left will do everything possible to bring every possible human activity under the control of as much licensing and inspecting as possible. All licensing and inspecting will be commemorated with certificates.

It is difficult to think of any human activity that’s not a target for licensing and inspecting. Soon, before your home can be sold, it will have to be inspected and every single component of every single home will have to pass an inspection. Windows, for instance, will have to be replaced before sale is allowed with approved “energy-efficient” windows. That work can no longer by done by Jimmy’s Windows, just down the road. Only licensed window installers will be allowed to remove the old window in an approved fashion, take it to a licensed landfill/recycler, and replace it with a new window from a licensed, inspected manufacturer. Each person involved anywhere in the process will be required to take “training” in order to be “certified”. Indeed, on any given home sale, the number of “certificates” may equal the number of shingles.

Certifying all these licenses and inspections will take all the profit from selling your house. That helps those who hate their neighbors reach their goal of having Licensors and Inspectors certifying everything. That makes as many of us as poor as possible, and they enjoy watching us sink more deeply into poverty every day.

So far, there is one human endeavor free from licensing and inspecting. We are still allowed to pray for whomever and whatever we want. At first glance, it seems ridiculous to believe that any leftists would care about micro-managing the intent and wording of our prayers, but a second look shows it to be an issue of some concern.

The leaders of the left know, better than most, that God, The Loving Programmer is real. The apostate angel who’s behind every evil on earth hates Him so much that he grinds his teeth in rage, and inflicts pain on every soul he can, simply because he’s enraged by his perpetual second-class status. He, and his subordinates in the hierarchy below are just as aware of the great Archangels’ superior power. They know, and hate Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, who are endlessly interfering with their evil plans, often as the result of prayers received from otherwise helpless humans.

One of the few things upon which the evil agree is that there should be no prayer. No requests for programming assistance should be allowed to rise from us human programs to He Who programmed all. They would like to see prayers prohibited, especially those that ask Him to provide freedom of religion, defend private property, or keep peoples free from state-sponsored death. So, we see that the left frequently encourages “enlightened believers” (those in line for government funding) to raise “prayers for the earth”, “prayers for sustainability”, and “prayers for fairness”, and make them into important parts of their liturgies. They see the advantages in directing our requests for programming assistance to things that will help them further drive more of us more deeply into slavery.

Soon, licensed “Prayer Inspectors” will be sure that congregations are not lifting their voices in heartfelt requests that truth, love, and justice may rule among men. Those whose prayers do not pass inspection will neither be licensed nor certified. Their goal is that all denominations be made as powerless as was the Russian Orthodox “Church”. Under the earlier generations of Communists, it was it was inspected, licensed, and finally certified “Useless”. At that point, it was enthusiastically supported by the left.
