Lie Watchers just spotted a magnificent whopper.

Just as bird-watchers study our feathered friends, and delight in the variations among them, some of us enjoy examining the lies that come and go around us. There are major lies being told in medicine, politics, energy, and environmental movements.

We see many, many Global Warming lies. Global Warming is a magnificent lie. It’s a symphonic lie, incorporating within it hundreds of lesser lies, all prevaricating in chorus.

As we study it, we also become aware of its marvelous complexity. Many are distracted by media cheering sections that go on and on about dying polar bears, disappearing seals, and reappearances of the dreaded “ozone hole”.

While all the liars are lying, it becomes more apparent that Global Warming is caused by fluctuations in the sun’s output. Today, for instance, Mars is growing warmer. No fearful SUVs traverse the harsh Martian landscape. No people live there. Nonetheless, Mars grows warmer. So, by the way, does the equally unpopulated Pluto.

These planets, like ours, are growing warmer because there is more sunlight. While the sun is now going through a natural solar fluctuation of increased output, some brief periods may drop slightly.

Last week, the first week after Easter, was colder than normal. Why? The sun’s output dropped slightly.
Solar Terrestrial Activity Report

These, and other reports, go back for decades. Solar output generally correlates with earth’s temperatures and temperature changes. More solar activity means higher temperatures. Less solar activity causes lower temperatures. Obviously, the earth, which may receive one billionth of the sun’s total output, responds to incoming energy from the sun.

To date, not one global warming believer has come up with a lie big enough to make it appear that human activity influences the activity of the sun.

Soon, we may be assured, one will.
