Lies have increased wonderfully in speed and quantity.

It used to be that lies were disseminated at a slow, leisurely, even dignified, pace. The New York Times, Associated Press, and network news would solemnly broadcast lies that would be absorbed at a measured pace. The lies would only slowly contradicted by a handful of magazines, columns, and never by any national media.

We may remember, for instance, the Ozone Lies from the good old days of totally leftist media monopoly. The Ozone Lies were a near-perfect campaign that resulted in legislation allowing freon prices to go from .99 cents a can to over $20.00. Profit margins swelled so much that whole new regulatory agencies, taxing authorities, and various special interest groups received massive funding and encouragement for more lies.

The Global Warming Lies have hit rockier ground. Now, every time a Global Warming lie is told, someone who knows the truth is able to get it on the internet with lightning speed. Each truth must be met quickly with more lies. Lies have to be invented faster than ever.

The Other Side is now forced to spew lies at a record rate. Each, when met by expert analysis, is immediately shot down in flames by knowledgeable people on the internet. So, more lies are told with amazing speed. Invariably, the lies contradict each other. Global Warming, for instance, is said to cause both rising and falling sea levels, temperatures, and rainfall. The overall credibility of the Other Side has never been lower.

Now, at this very moment, 15,000 professional Global Warming Liars have flown to far-off Bali, many in private jets. They are preparing new generations of lies for dissemination. At the same time, they are inventing new ways to stop, or punish, those who expose their prevarications.

They are blind to their own spiritual danger. The poor, lost souls are digging themselves ever more deeply into the ongoing agony of the painful afterlife to which they will be sentenced by the Judge Who clearly instructed them, “Thou shalt not bear false witness”.

We, on the other hand, who, even in some small way, are bearing witness to the truth, are helping ourselves with that Selfsame Judge. Our eternal joys will increase with each truth we tell. Those joys will be increased further if, while we are telling the truth, we are praying for those who lie so often and so obviously.
