All lies are intended to destroy human souls.

When we look at the big, widely believed lies, we see one common feature: all of them either deny God or make Him so distant as to be meaningless.

Marx wrote “Das Kapital” in 1867. It has become a foundational lie upon which later leftists would base their own distortions of God and man. Interestingly, Marx wanted to dedicated the second volume of it to Charles Darwin, whose works also became the foundations of big, widespread God-distancing/God eliminating lies.

Those two big lies, culminating in Communism and evolution, are still used by those who want to justify and pass on their hatred of God and neighbor. No one knows how many deaths they have caused, or how many babies they have kept from being born, but the numbers are in the billions.

When we explore the structure of an evil society, it’s comparable to climbing an Aztec’s pyramid of lies. On the lowest level are the biggest lies. They are solid enough to support the smaller lies above them. At the top is a small slaughter-house. There, innocents are sacrificed by the high priests, those who have believed and mastered all the lies that keep their neighbors under them and in their control.

In our own society, the big lie that exalts “equality” is used to justify elitists in taking from those who have, keeping some of it, and doling out the rest to those whose only efforts are expended in getting more. Equality, of course, does not exist in Heaven. There, God rules supreme, and the choirs of angels praise Him in ranks. Within those ranks, there are hierarchies. So it is with governments. One may assume, while watching the European democracies collapse and becoming increasingly aware that ours is shakier than ever, that democracy, over the long haul, will not work when focused excessively on “equality”.

In the drive for “equality”, we now see that medical practices which would have been called “quackery” a generation or so ago are now receiving “equal” funding. We see that homeowners, who used to be thrifty, working people, now share that title with those able to get mortgages with preferred rates and no money down. The idea of equal rights has resulted in what our grandparents would have called “abominations” in many areas. The desire for equal education has made all education worse, replacing academic excellence with learning how to make things ever fairer. Just as good teachers are paid no more than bad teachers, equality demands that no one receive more on the basis of merit.

As such “equalities” spread within and among them, nations grow ever farther from God and the hierarchies of Heaven, leaving only collapse and tyranny ahead.

Is there an alternative to the “big lies”? Catholic Fundamentalism begins by assuming that God can program energies and particles, compile them into systems and beings, and is helped in this process by ranks of angelic Programming Assistants. We feel that His Programming had to provide human beings with free will, so that no person can look at any part of the Creation Program and be intellectually or logically forced to believe in Him. He wants us to choose Him and His Truth so that we may be saved.

The uncontradictable theories of Catholic Fundamentalism eliminate the need for evolution. The hierarchy that made it possible, if His will is “done on earth as it is in Heaven”, will replace both Communism and “equality” as the only things worthy of belief.

Catholic Fundamentalism helps us understand that equality does exist, but only in our capacity to believe and obey His Operating Instructions. It is that belief and obedience that determines our rank in Heaven. No leftist likes the ideas of Catholic Fundamentalism. Neither do the many Catholics who’ve grown comfortable with compromise.
