Lies, like germs, destroy those whom they infect.

Catholic Fundamentalists think that a lie is a living form of spiritual life. Each lie confuses and distorts reality, thereby moving those affected by it farther from God. So, we think of lies as alive, a sort of demon.

Each lie does the devil’s work, and spawns legions of similar creatures. The most common lies come from loving oneself excessively, which is why pride is the deadliest of sins.

Lies exalt the free-will providing stage He programmed for us as they encourage us to ignore the Programmer who produced it. Lies, like packs of wolves, travel in groups.

When a lie takes root in a mind, it sends out rootlets, seeds, and spores for new lies. We can tell how immersed a person is in lies by seeing how he feels about his neighbors.

Those who hate their neighbors the most are the most entrapped in lies. No one hated their neighbors more than Mao and Stalin, because no one killed as many people. Therefore, the closer a person’s thinking is to them, the more entrapped in lies he is.

We can only love them. Love is like an insecticide for demons.
