Life: The Culture of Hate vs. Everyone

When we think of how we can get to Heaven, we are clearly commanded to “Love God and neighbor, do good to them that hurt you, and forgive, forgive, forgive.” We have been given Commandments to obey that forbid all manner of hateful behavior.

Those in The Culture of Hate reverse of our own teaching. Where we obey “Thou Shalt not Kill”, they murder with unconscionable ease, looking and finding reasons to do so. While we fear to steal, those in The Culture of Death encourage each other to take more from others. We try to live chaste lives, while many in The Culture of Hate worships profligacy.

Few in The Culture of Hate disobey all the Commandments all the time, but all will disobey as frequently as possible. The Communists in Cuba, for instance, followed the passages in the Old Testament regarding the harsh treatment of homosexuals, whom they jailed and murdered as often as they could be found. At the same time they harshly punished some sexual sins, they made people so poor that countless young women were forced into prostitution that remained unpunished. We see by this that The Culture of Hate does not work to be consistent.

Broadly Speaking, The Culture of Hate is Split

Those in the Atheistic Cultures of Hate, like Communists, pornographers, governmentalists, and other identifiable groups of sinners don’t so much ignore the Commandments as put themselves in place of God in them. They would not allow underlings to tell lies, though they, themselves, based their lives and careers on lies. They would encourage their inferiors to worship them while they worshipped only the act of being worshipped by them. Mothers and fathers were not to be honored, but they were. Others could be robbed, but not them. Enemies could be killed, they could not.

The Theistic Cultures of Hate are different. They don’t waste time with endless pseudo-intellectual reasons for hating their neighbors, as did the endless spewers of justifying drivel before, during, and after the French and Russian Revolutions. Those who kill and maim because “We believe in the only true faith.” justify their killing and maiming be believing they are following a higher authority. They hate and kill, often executing pornographers, thieves, murderers, traitors, and adulterers in their midst. They hunt such people down during the long stretches of peace when there are no dangerous external enemies that need to be destroyed and the other people still have to be kept in line.

Theistic Cultures of Hate tend to last longer than the Atheistic Cultures of Hate because they’re better at inventing petty rules, the breaking of which gives the most hateful among them more people to hate. Looking for sinners helps keep floggers, amputaters, and stoners in practice. The continual search for sin allows them to identify potential complainers, who are provably only a step away from being apostates who may need flogging, amputation, or stoning. Such “freedom seeking individuals”, of course, allows more opportunities for “purifying” their society.

Before The Church let Herself be muzzled with a Political Correctness that makes it difficult to tell the truth about such things, Catholics used to explain that those in hurtful religions worshipped demons. That’s a thought worth exploring. It is demons, after all, who lead us astray. The larger the group being led astray, the more powerful the demons involved. It’s not unreasonable, once we’ve progressed to seeing that evil has living sources, to understand that evil spirits are behind evil doers, prompting them in every way, leading them ever farther astray.

A House Divided Cannot Stand

We see in The Book of Revelations that the leaders of some hate-filled destroyers are represented by the dragon, beast, and false prophet. Behind them, around them, and within them, there is hate. Their beings may indicate which they hate: one hates God, one hates men, and the other hates self. Each one may symbolizes such a specific evil.

The Theistic Culture of Hate recognizes their spiritual roots, and takes greater strength from the perversion of God that they invent and worship, killing those who disobey those of His rules that they choose to enforce

The lesser haters in the Atheistic Culture of Hate do not, at least openly, hate those who commit what God, Himself has ordained to be sins. Mostly, they just hate whomever gets in their way.
